Golden age of Dutch painting
Even those who are poorly versed in art, have heard of Dutch painting. But many…

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Chinese classical painting
Painting of China, flourishing in the era of the Middle Ages - IV – XIX…


V. Surikov. "Boyary Morozov."
Vasily Ivanovich Surikov is a great Russian historical painter, but all he has to say…


different forms

“Portrait of Marshal G. K. Zhukov” by Pavel Korin

Artists see the world in different ways, each depicting what he sees in his own way, conveying the many colors of nature and unusual characters. And sometimes they dream to express even something abstract: the life of the human spirit. Pavel Dmitrievich Korin sought to “reflect the disobedient, proud spirit of our people.” And he painted landscapes of his native Palekh, portraits of people unknown and famous, never tired of searching in their destinies, manifestations of the “spirit of the people”. Among these works, a special place is occupied by the “Portrait of Marshal G. K. Zhukov”. And even the creation of the canvas is an instructive event. Continue reading

“The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis” by Rembrandt

A prominent place in Rembrandt’s painting is taken by the painting “The Claudius Civilis Conspiracy”, created in 1661. This creation was destined to play a very special role in the whole of Western European painting of the seventeenth century.
A number of reasons contributed to this. First of all, the unusual task of the artist. Rembrandt, whose activities developed in the field of easel paintings, by the conditions of the order was put before the need to create a work of monumental painting. Continue reading

Vasily Polenov: “I love the Gospel narration immensely ...”
Creating a cycle of paintings "From the Life of Christ" Polenov considered "the main work…


"The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis" by Rembrandt
A prominent place in Rembrandt’s painting is taken by the painting “The Claudius Civilis Conspiracy”,…


A brief history of the landscape in painting
The first drawings that were made by man have been known since primitive times, and…
