George Nyssky. Laconic and poetic landscapes of the 20th century.
Planes fly over the fields. The locomotives run along the paths. Ships and yachts cut…

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Arts of Russia Tretyakov Gallery
Among the art museums of the national art of Russia, the Tretyakov Gallery occupies special…


A bright representative of the "Moscow school of painting", since 1895 a member of the…


largest Russian

“Saint Sebastian” Titian

The painting “Saint Sebastian” by Titian is considered to be the pearl of the State Hermitage. Why does this work affect viewers so much? Who is depicted on it?
In the early Middle Ages, a legend arose about the native of the Roman city of Narbonne, Sebastian. Having been educated in Milan, he went in search of happiness to Rome. Thanks to his courage and honesty, the young man attracted the attention of the Roman emperor Diocletian. Deserving his favor, Sebastian received an appointment to the honorary position of chief of the first cohort of the Imperial Guard, but did not justify the confidence. For his hidden commitment to Christians, he was twice sentenced to death. Continue reading

V. Surikov. “Boyary Morozov.”

Vasily Ivanovich Surikov is a great Russian historical painter, but all he has to say about him is not enough: the national genius embodied in the art of Surikov. The value of his work is not immediately realized, but only with the passage of life, when a person gains experience, knowledge, develops his mind, develops spiritual wisdom in himself. Comprehension of the art of Surikov is as joyful and difficult as comprehension of Pushkin’s poetry.
Among the paintings of the master “Boyaryn Morozov” is perhaps the most important place. Continue reading

Evgeny Pasternak

In 1901, the Luxembourg Museum in Paris ordered the five most famous artists, among whom was Pasternak, to paint one painting from Russian life. Pasternak wrote the famous pastel “Tolstoy with his family” in the evening light. Grand Duke George Mikhailovich, seeing it at the exhibition “World of Art”, decided to purchase it for the Museum of Alexander III (now the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg). Continue reading

The beginning of the collection of icons was laid by the Yaroslavl Restoration Commission, established…


“Denial of confession” by Ilya Repin
Repin wrote people turned into cattle, barge haulers pulling barges along the river. Dared to…


Syrian landscapes
Most of the landscape compositions by Syrian artists are devoted to old Damascus and the…
