Modern, modern and modern art
Modern art as a cultural phenomenon has relatively recently become the subject of theoretical research,…

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Evgeny Pasternak
In 1901, the Luxembourg Museum in Paris ordered the five most famous artists, among whom…


Modern, modern and modern art
Modern art as a cultural phenomenon has relatively recently become the subject of theoretical research,…


portrait painter

“Portrait of D. A. Furmanov” by Sergey Malyutin

Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin is the oldest in terms of age and creative experience of all Russian masters who came to Soviet art. With the victory of the October Revolution, which the artist enthusiastically met, new heroes are included in his thematic repertoire.
“Portrait of D. A. Furmanov” is not only one of the most significant works of Malyutin, but also an important milestone in the history of Soviet painting. It was in this work for the first time, with great depth and artistic expressiveness, the typical appearance and character of the person who made the socialist revolution and was formed by it was embodied. Continue reading

"Saint Sebastian" Titian
The painting “Saint Sebastian” by Titian is considered to be the pearl of the State…


Ufa Art Gallery
The Ufa Art Gallery is the main exhibition platform for artists from Bashkortostan. And not…


Vasily Polenov: “I love the Gospel narration immensely ...”
Creating a cycle of paintings "From the Life of Christ" Polenov considered "the main work…
