Golden age
“An artist with brilliant talent and good means …”
The exact date of the appearance of F. Moller in the class of historical painting of Professor K. Bryullov is unknown. The first mention of the contacts of the master and budding artist refers to the spring of 1837. In the diary of Apollo Mokritsky there is an entry on April 3: “In the morning, at seven o’clock, Bryullov sent for me. He caught Moller and Gayvazovsky ”. Selection in his workshop Bryullov conducted very carefully. “Bryullov spoke often,” recalled M.Ye. Melikov, – that among his students he can include someone who understands him, is talented and to whom he can be useful. ” Continue reading
A bright representative of the “Moscow school of painting”, since 1895 a member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions (TPCM), A.M. Korin equally fully expressed himself in different genres: in a household picture, portrait, landscape, he enthusiastically worked on book illustration, participated in the restoration of churches and temples throughout Russia and abroad. Continue reading
The beginning of the collection of icons was laid by the Yaroslavl Restoration Commission, established in 1918 (since 1924, the Yaroslavl branch of the GRGR). One of the main goals set before the commission was overcoming the consequences of the White Guard uprising that occurred in the summer of 1918. During its suppression, artillery hit the city in direct fire, and many architectural monuments were destroyed or badly damaged. Supervised by YAO TsGRM PD Baranovsky, the work on the restoration of icon painting was headed by N.I. Bryagin. A large role in saving the monuments of Yaroslavl was played by A.I. Anisimov, scientific adviser of the Central State Research Center, professor of Moscow and Yaroslavl universities. It Anisimov insisted on the removal of the most valuable monuments of easel painting from the churches and placing them in the restoration workshop of Yaroslavl to strengthen. Continue reading