"Saint Sebastian" Titian
The painting “Saint Sebastian” by Titian is considered to be the pearl of the State…

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P.M. Tretyakov and his portrait gallery
Conceived as a “gallery in a gallery”, the portrait gallery of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov (1832–1898)…


The art of miniature painting.
Miniature - in the visual arts a small picture of a thorough and elegant finish,…



“Horsewoman” by Karl Bryullov

Russian painter Karl Bryullov painted a portrait in real size, depicting a girl on a horse and a girl who looks at her. How many remember, we still have not seen a horse portrait, conceived and performed with such art … This portrait shows us a painter who speaks at once, and more importantly, a brilliant painter. ”
Such and other, not less flattering, reviews appeared in the Italian newspapers in 1832. The interest and admiration of art lovers was caused by the painting “The Horsewoman. Portrait of Amatsilii and Dzhovanina Pacini, pupils of the Countess Yu.P. Samoilova ”. Continue reading

The art of miniature painting.
Miniature - in the visual arts a small picture of a thorough and elegant finish,…


What begins painting?
Teaching painting begins with the education of the ability to see. But isn't everyone seeing…


The greatest museums of the world
1. Parisian Louvre Without a doubt, the most famous museum in the world, the Louvre…
