Masterpieces of Russian graphics from the collection of the State Historical Museum in the Tretyakov Gallery
The graphic collection of the Historical Museum (GIM) is extensive and diverse. It allows you…

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Nikolai Tomsky. Soviet sculpture.
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Bouquet for Madonna
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40 interesting facts from the lives of great artists

Salvador Dali believed that he was the reincarnation of his deceased brother.
In each of the works of Dali there is either his portrait or silhouette.
Єdgar Degas was so fascinated by ballet dancers that he created more than 1500 works with their participation.
The theme of all the works of the artist Marcel Duchamp was everyday life. His most famous work, called the Fountain, is nothing else than the erupting urine of the artist himself.
The work of Henri Matisse, “The Boat,” hung upside down for 46 days, at an exhibition in New York, before someone noticed. The picture was estimated by 1600 visitors.    William Morris had a happy childhood, everyone spoiled him. As a result, he could throw dinner in the window, just because he did not like the way of serving.
Jackson Pollock often painted his paintings with cigarettes.
The work of the artist Auguste Rodin, “The Bronze Age”, was so realistic that people thought it was as if a living person were inside a sculpture.
Vermeer in his work used a camera obscura.
In all his life, Vincent Van Gogh sold only one work – “Red Vineyards in Arles”, and that to his brother, the owner of an art gallery.
In 1912, the Gioconda, the work of Leonardo da Vinci, was stolen. For 3 years while they were looking for it, 6 copies were sold, which were considered the original, and each of them cost a lot of money.
In 1962, “Dzhokonda” was estimated at 100 million dollars, and in 2009 at 700 million dollars.
Most artists and artists are left-handed.
It is believed that Pablo Picasso is the most famous artist in the world.
Raphael, known mainly because of the large number of paintings depicting Madonna. But at the same time, according to historian Giorgio Vasari, the artist was an atheist. It is also known that in all these pictures the same woman is depicted.
Andy Warhol was not only an artist. His first film, “The Dream,” about how his friend sleeps, lasted 6 hours. The premiere was attended by 9 people, 7 of them were left to watch the film, 2 of them did not stay even an hour. Warhol made about 60 films, such as: “Kiss”, “Food”, “Shoulder”, “Couch”, “Kitchen”, “Face”, “Horse”, “Suicide”, “Sunset”, “Bitch”, “ Blowjob “…
Andy Warhol wore a gray wig, and eventually dyed his hair a gray color. After he was told that he had blurred vision.
In his youth, Renoir was a tailor, and also sewed shoes.
“Pieta” is the only work of Michelangelo that he signed. He was also a poet, more than 300 of his poems are still available.
Michelangelo became the first Western artist, whose biography was printed during his lifetime.
Leonardo da Vinci could draw with one hand and at the same time write with the other.
Paul Gauguin was an unskilled laborer on the Panama Canal.
The first solo exhibition of Paul Cézanne took place when he was 56 years old.
Claude Monet won 100 thousand francs in the lottery, which allowed him to quit the job of a messenger and take up painting.
Vermeer never painted children, although he had them 11.
Renoir was so in love with painting that he didn’t stop working 7 even in old age, suffering from different forms of arthritis, and painted with a brush tied to a sleeve.
Salvador Dali created the Chupa Chups logo.
Most of the time, Claude Monet painted caricatures, mostly on his teachers.
Salvador Dali’s nickname was “Avida Dollars,” which means “passionately loving dollars.”
Vincent van Gogh had a brother who died at birth. He was also named Vincent van Gogh.
Picasso’s full name consists of 23 words: Pablo-Diego-Jose-Francisco-de-Paula-Juan-Nepomuceno-Maria-de-Los-Remedios-Cipriano-de-La-Santísima-Trinidad-Martír-Patricio-Clito-Ruiz- and Picasso.
The first word of Picasso was “pencil”.
Picasso wore long clothes, and he also had long hair, which was unheard of in those times.

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