Vasily Polenov: “I love the Gospel narration immensely ...”
Creating a cycle of paintings "From the Life of Christ" Polenov considered "the main work…

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Interesting facts about painting and artists
[caption id="attachment_55" align="alignleft" width="232"][/caption] Different types of oils are used as a base for…


“Portrait of D. A. Furmanov” by Sergey Malyutin
Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin is the oldest in terms of age and creative experience of all…


funny thing

What begins painting?

Teaching painting begins with the education of the ability to see. But isn’t everyone seeing the same? Naturally, people without visual defects, in the physical sense, see the same. However, you can watch and not see.
N. P. Krymov tells how M. A. Vrubel was returning from a walk in Abramtsevo. It was dusk, the moon was rising. And he came across an old mossy birch stump. Vrubel’s companions passed by, and on the very next day he began and ended his famous “Pan” soon. Continue reading

“Denial of confession” by Ilya Repin

Repin wrote people turned into cattle, barge haulers pulling barges along the river. Dared to write the Russian tsar, who killed his own son. Reflecting on the history of his country, he portrayed the Cossacks, who “throughout life” remained free. He lovingly and carefully created portraits of the raging Vladimir Stasov, the great Leo Tolstoy and the leader of the Itinerants, Ivan Kramskoy.
More than once Repin returned to two themes that troubled the soul: the church and its disastrous role in Russian society, the image of a man who defiantly challenged it and the autocracy. Continue reading

“An artist with brilliant talent and good means …”

The exact date of the appearance of F. Moller in the class of historical painting of Professor K. Bryullov is unknown. The first mention of the contacts of the master and budding artist refers to the spring of 1837. In the diary of Apollo Mokritsky there is an entry on April 3: “In the morning, at seven o’clock, Bryullov sent for me. He caught Moller and Gayvazovsky ”. Selection in his workshop Bryullov conducted very carefully. “Bryullov spoke often,” recalled M.Ye. Melikov, – that among his students he can include someone who understands him, is talented and to whom he can be useful. ” Continue reading

The beginning of the collection of icons was laid by the Yaroslavl Restoration Commission, established…


Ufa Art Gallery
The Ufa Art Gallery is the main exhibition platform for artists from Bashkortostan. And not…


"The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis" by Rembrandt
A prominent place in Rembrandt’s painting is taken by the painting “The Claudius Civilis Conspiracy”,…
